
Sunday, June 15, 2014


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of the dear fathers and grandfathers (especially my husband)!  Here are some wonderful patterns that celebrate fathers and grandfathers from the Pattern and Source Print Database of the Transferware Collectors Club.

Child's plate 7.75 inches/The verse and illustration are from a jigsaw puzzle/picture sheet published by William Darton junior, 1812.  The poem was written by Mary Belson Eliot (ca.1794-1867)
Child's mug 2.19 inches ca. 1830

Child's mug 2.38 inches ca. 1830
Father and son in Tahiti 1987

Graduation 2008

Wedding 2008
My Grandfather child's plate ca. 1830/The pattern is part of a series copied from My Grandfather, an illustrated poem by William Upton.

My Grandfather child's plate ca. 1830/The pattern is part of a series copied from My Grandfather, an illustrated poem by William Upton.

Mug 2.06 inches ca. 1830
Grandfather with granddaughter

Grandfather with grandson


  1. Absolutely charming! And "A Grandfather's Gift" is very like a certain cup I've seen before.
    I was thrilled recently to find another mug for Francis (son number 4) but I'm still searching for Matthew, Joel and Jacob!

  2. I have three sons; Michael, Jonas and David. I own a "David" plate. I have never seen the other names on plates or mugs. I have seen "Matthew" and perhaps even "Jacob."
