June 6 is National Eyeware Day (also D Day). There appears to be a special day for just about everything! Eyeware Day gives me a chance to show you one of my favorite patterns. It features a boy wearing glasses. It was made by Enoch Wood & Sons (1818-1846) around 1825, and is known as "The Young Philosopher."
Enoch Wood & sons (181-1846) 10 inch soup plate known as The Young Philosopher, ca. 1825. |
The boy, who is surrounded by toys, is reading a book. I think his mother is asking him to go to bed. Or, clean up his toys. The lush border of passion flowers, roses and auriculas is shared by three other Enoch Wood patterns known collectively as The Cupid Series.
Enoch Wood & Sons (1818-1846) 7.7 inch plate (also found in other sizes) known as Cupid Imprisoned, ca. 1825 |
Enoch Wood & Sons 10 inch soup plate known as Girl Behind Grape Fence or Psyche Behind Bars. |
Enoch Wood & Sons 5.75 inch saucer known as The Bride. She may be Psyche. |
As you can see, the three plates above have a unifying theme; longing and barriers. They may even tell the story of
Cupid and Psyche (this myth has lots of trials, longing, and barriers to love). The Young Philosopher pattern (boy with glasses) only shares the border with the Cupid Series. I doubt the mother and boy with glasses are Cupid and Venus. By the way, did you notice that the stringing on the border of all four patterns looks like a chain?
If you like cupids, William Adams III (1804-1829) also made a Cupid Series. Take a look at my post "
Cupids For Valentine's Day." I digress, as usual. However, when you love transferware, one good pattern does lead to another. Happy Eyeware Day!