J. Dimmock & Co. (1862-1904) "Japanese" 16 inch platter
We are fortunate to harbor numerous snowy white egrets in the South San Francisco Bay environs. I admire these commonly solitary fishermen and fisherwomen, as they patiently await and then pounce upon small fish and other fare. One even dropped into our backyard one day (no fish). On a recent walk in the Palo Alto Baylands, we spotted one nearby.
I wondered how and if egrets were portrayed on transferware, so I looked at the Transferware Collectors Club Database of Patterns and Sources. The results were a bit surprising. The only egrets depicted on transferware in the database were from the Aesthetic period (let's say 1860-1900, more or less). Only four patterns have thus far been documented with "egret" in the pattern name, interestingly, all produced by W.T. Copeland (& Sons).
pattern name and using the General Search for "egret" in the database, I
found only ten patterns, with several additional makers. Searching the
Aesthetic/Bird sub-category, the results indicate 259 recorded
patterns! I am only showing you a few patterns. Let me know if you know of others. Also, let me know if some of the birds aren't egrets!
W.T. Copeland (& Sons) Egrets and Fans 10.12 inch plate
W.T. Copeland (& Sons) undertray
Powell & Bishop (1876-1878) "Aquatic" 17.5 inch platter
Brown-Westhead, Moore & Co. (1862-1904) "Alexandra" 9.25 inch plate
Ridgway, Sparks & Ridgway (1872-1878) "Indus" 10.62 inch plate or soup plate
G.L.Ashworth & Bros. (Ltd.) 1860-1968 "Melrose" plate
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